Environment Forum

Date: Saturday 04 November 2023

Venue: Blair Wark VC Community Centre

1 Dunston Drove Lindfield NSW 2070

Time : 2.30pm to 5.00pm

Organisers of the event: Lions Club of Turramurra Inc.

Officially opened by District Governor PAUL McINNES

VIP Speakers will include:

  • Jenny Geddes CEO Clean up Australia   – Clean Ups and Collaboration for Tracking or reporting waste
  • Tamara Wickremanayake                            – Lion Club Clean Ups and Park Care How to Get Involved
  • Salvation Army Speaker                              -Reducing Waste and Recycling
  • Gathera Dilhan Wickremanayake             -Water Conversation

Entry is Free

Raffle Tickets, Tea, Coffee and Cakes can be purchased for a nominal amount